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Welcome To Elshaddai Ministries.Our Goal is to provide you with tools and resources to break free from the devils works and stay free. Choose a prayer topic for your situation . Go on a fast for 7 days; 6am to 6pm and pray every night. Pray until your situation changes.

For prayer call: +91 7702605888. +91 9966068444.


Near Pathabellam market
NH16 HighWay Beside,
Teachers Colony,TANUKU,
Andhra Pradesh-534216.

Join The Revolution

Lord Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of your salvation. I confess that you are The Lord, I believe in my heart that your death on the cross was for my redemption, I believe you were raised from the dead on the third day. Please LORD, forgive me all my sins today and make me a new creation. Thank you dear Lord for saving my soul from eternal damnation, in Jesus name I pray. Amen.